Sunday, March 3, 2013

Magic The Gathering: Dragon's Maze Guild Alliances

Alright, so on May 3, the final Return To Ravinca block will be released. Dragon's Maze will have all 10 guilds, and finally introduce the Izzet planeswalker we've all been waiting for. During the pre-release, you will be able to choose from all 10 guilds. Guildpacks from RtR and Gatecrash will be reprinted. Inside the guild box will also be a secret guild alliance pack. Each alliance pack will be from the opposite set and will share one color with the guild you pick. So here is what I think the guild alliances will be.

Azorius and Dimir: Azorius spends most of the time in Ravinca trying to uphold the law of Ravinca. Dimir hides in the shadows, working for other guilds while achieving their own agenda. So who better to work together than these 2? Azorius hiring Dimir spies to infiltrate other guilds while both profit from the knowledge gained. From a game stand point, imagine detaining your opponent's creatures so they are unable to block the creatures will spells ciphered to them. It's a win for you and a devastating lose for your opponent.

Gruul and Rakdos: The two most hated guilds in Ravinca. Usually looked down upon by the other guilds. But imagine them teaming up. Rakdos and his blood-crazed minions teaming up with Gruul's large, power creatures. That would be death and destruction for Ravinca. Imagine blood-rushing your already unleashed creatures. Your opponent would have to deal with large amounts of damage coming at them all at once. Gruul and Rakdos means death to all who oppose you.  

Selesnya and Orzhov: A kind of unlikely team up. What do nature and money have to do with each other. Not a lot. Maybe Trostani and the Ghost Council have some secret plan. But from a game stand point, this combo could be devastating.  The populating ability of Selesnya with the life gain of Orzhov is a great combo. Get a ton of creatures out while slowly draining your opponent's life. Not to mention Selesnya has some lifelink to join the party. Great combo, unlikely team up. Sounds like Ravinca to me.

Izzet and Boros: Both dislike Azorius. Both have a mission. Both can profit. Imagine Izzet creating the latest weaponry for Boros. Science and the military always go hand in hand, why not in Ravinca.  Boros can use Izzet's research to spread their quest for justice, while Izzet can just show off. Gamewise, battalion up your creatures to unleash an assault on your opponent. If they try to fight back, use Izzet's many spells to either stop them or make your creatures stronger. For justice....and science!

Simic and Golgari: There was flavor text saying to fear this combo, and they were right. Golgari and Simic are looked down upon by Izzet and Selesnya. Not quite nature, not quite science. But together they can mean hell for all who doubted them. They have a lot to prove so why no do it together.  Imagine all the +1/+1 counters generate by a Simic-Golgari deck. Madness will ensue. Evolve your creatures while using the dead Golgari minions to ensure everybody has some. Bioshift some counters around to ensure your opponent's will only be dealing with the strongest of creatures. Boom.

Stay tuned for more on Dragon's Maze!

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